Dengue fever: how to prevent your pet’s water bowl from becoming a mosquito breeding ground


Dengue: how to prevent your pet’s water bowl from becoming a mosquito breeding groundPhoto: Reproduction

With the dengue outbreak in Brazil since the beginning of the year, we need to be on the lookout for any possible breeding ground for the mosquito that transmits the disease. There are some details that we don’t pay attention to and can be dangerous.

One place that, although unlikely, can become a hotspot is the pets’ water bowl. According to infectious disease specialist João Prats, in an interview with CNN, the chances are small, but it is possible – especially when water bowls are left out in the open for long periods and are not sanitized properly.

Tips to prevent your pet’s water bowl from becoming a mosquito breeding ground

To avoid the risks, the doctor recommends some important precautions. Sanitize the bowl daily with soap and water; use sponges to remove possible residue from the containers; and store them in a closed place and face down when not in use.

Can a pet catch dengue fever?

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is known for transmitting, in addition to dengue fever, chikungunya and zika viruses to humans. Dogs and cats cannot contract the disease! Humans are the only vertebrate hosts of the dengue virus.

However, the mosquito can pose risks to pets due to the transmission of the parasite Dirofilaria immitis, responsible for the disease known as “heartworm”.

Dogs and cats can suffer from difficulty breathing, tiredness, coughing, weight loss and purple mucous membranes. In more serious cases, the animal can die. To G1, veterinarian Mariana Rezende commented that the disease is characteristic of coastal regions and more uncommon in the federal capital.

To prevent the “heartworm”, guardians need to sanitize the place where the animals live to avoid the proliferation of the mosquito. Another tip from the veterinarian is to use anti-parasite collars that also act as repellents.

In other words, taking care of your pet’s water bowl is important. For the safety of both humans and pets. It’s worth taking extra care with this detail.

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