Patrícia Poeta reports obstetric violence during childbirth in the USA


Patrícia Poeta in ‘Encontro’Reproduction/Globo

Ahead of “Encontro” in Globo’s mornings, journalist and presenter Patrícia Poeta, 47, recalled a traumatic phase that experienced during childbirth Felipe Poeta, 21 years old.  At the time of the birth of her firstborn, in 2001, she was outside Brazil and reported that she was a victim of obstetric violence.

The statements were made in an interview with UOL’s “Universa”. “You don’t notice violence until you understand it. Often, they just think it was a “bad birth.” But with the passage of time and the information, such as the accounts of other women, I really realized what happened,” she began.

According to Poeta, when she was 41 weeks pregnant, she went to a routine appointment and was subjected, without prior notice, to induction of labor. Without the baby’s suitcase, the journalist said she asked the medical team for medicine and anesthetics, who did not give her anything to make her pain lessen.

“It took 14 hours for the baby to be born vaginally. Something that had no chance of happening. At those times, every five minutes, the pain, with induced labor and without anesthesia, was extreme. And despite going through all that and asking for medication, nothing was given to me,” she said.

“Some might say it’s a cultural thing. Right! At this time, what should prevail is the well-being of the pregnant woman and the health of both. Because the doctor and the nurses maintained the decision to continue like this until it reached the point where Felipe’s health and life were at risk. Absurd,” he added.

Patricia listed that, after the 14 hours of trying for normal delivery, she underwent a cesarean section. For this reason, the journalist says that she went through the “experience of having two births for a single child”. 

“After all these hours of suffering, I was taken to an operating room. A new labor began the next day. This time, a cesarean section. At that moment, the feeling I had was that I no longer existed. There was nothing left of me. Feeling of not having the strength anymore,” he recalled.

“It was as if I had been tortured. My heart was racing faster than ever. I was afraid, very afraid of everything I had experienced in the last few hours and of what could happen,” he said.

Poeta reports that the trauma suffered continues to mess with her. According to the presenter of “Encontro”, she can’t even follow audiovisual works that have scenes that refer to the birth of a baby. “I have such a trauma that to this day I can’t watch movies, documentaries of childbirth. I created a kind of blockade,” he said.

“Being a woman is resistance and resilience. It’s carrying within you an instinct for survival. It is to be always alert and vigilant. Not even at the time of childbirth can you relax,” she said.

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