Taxi Driver Screenwriter Had Big Toe Eaten By Martin Scorsese’s Dog


Paul and Martin are longtime friendsPhoto montage/Reproduction/Mettie Ostrowski

Writer-director Paul Schrader has a long friendship with filmmaker Martin Scorsese. Together, they created “Taxi Driver,” “Raging Bull,” and “The Last Temptation of Christ,” classics of the seventh art. However, not all stories about the duo are one of success and joy. 

In an interview with “Variety” magazine, Paul Schrader said that he had part of a big toe torn off and eaten by one of the Scorsese family pets.  “He’s got some dogs. They are very cute. Two of them are bichon frisé. They are very pretty. But they also have a Scottish terrier, it’s a problem dog. It’s his daughter’s dog. He doesn’t like the dog, but he needs to keep it and blah blah blah,” the screenwriter began.

“The Scottish terrier didn’t just rip off part of my big toe, he also ate it,” Schrader continued, saying the accident happened when he went to pet his pet. 


Schrader and Scorsese have respectable resumes. The screenwriter and director has an Oscar nomination for best screenplay in 2019 for his work on “Corrupted Faith.” The filmmaker, in turn, won the Oscar for best director in 2007, for “The Departed” (2006).

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