Silvio Santos is buried in SP; family and friends say goodbye


Tiago Abravanel and Celso Portioli arriving at the funeral of Silvio SantosReproduction: social networks/montage iG

Family and friends of Silvio Santos attended the burial of the presenter, on Sunday morning (18). The body of Senor Abravanel, the baptismal name of the owner of SBT, was buried in the Israeli Cemetery of Butantã, in São Paulo, around 9 am.

The presenter died at the age of 93 on Saturday (17), at 4:50 am, in São Paulo, due to a bronchopneumonia after infection by Influenza (H1N1)m according to information from the bulletin of the Albert Einstein Hospital, where he had been hospitalized since August 1st.

The ceremony was brief and discreet. The burial was attended by the presenter’s daughters, grandchildren, sons-in-law and some celebrities, such as Celso Portiolli, César Filho and Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega.

Letter from the family

The Abravanel family left a letter displayed at the entrance of the cemetery with the message released yesterday, in which she expresses gratitude to the public and reveals that Silvio Santos’ desire was to have a private Jewish ceremony.

“Auditorium colleagues, colleagues of a lifetime, what to say to you at this moment? I believe that many of you are sharing the same longing that we are feeling today. We want to tell you that many times, throughout his life, as our father got older, he expressed a wish of his regarding his departure: he asked that as soon as he left, that we take him straight to the cemetery and have a Jewish ceremony,” the message reads.

Jewish tradition

In the Jewish ceremony, the burial of the body is done without decorations or flowers. According to the Congregação Israelita Paulista, the objective is to “emphasize the equality of all human beings in their final home.” 

According to Judaism, burial should be carried out as soon as possible, ideally on the same day of death. However, there is an exception for Shabbat, which runs from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday, during which time burial should not take place. For Jewish tradition, postponing burial is considered a lack of respect for the deceased, since they believe that the soul only finds rest after the body is buried.

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