Brazilian woman found dead in the United States and police suspect sex crime

Suzan Christian Barbosa Ferreira, was without clothes, on the side of a road, in rural DetroitSocial networks

Police in Detroit, in the United States, found the body of a 42-year-old Brazilian woman in the countryside. The victim is Suzan Christian Barbosa Ferreira, who was on the side of a highway and without clothes. The suspicion is that she was the victim of a sexual crime.

Suzan’s family lives in Pedro Leopoldo, in Greater BH. They ask for help to bring the body of the Brazilian to the country. In an interview with G1, Suzan’s sister, Roberta Barbosa Ferreira, says that she would have gone to the United States approximately a month ago and was missing for a week. Suzan’s body was found on June 30.

The Brazilian worked with product imports and traveled to the North American country alone on business. She leaves a 15-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son. The police have already begun to  investigate the case, but there is no information about what would have happened.

According to Roberta, Suzan was “the only one [of the sisters] she had seen, that’s why she made the trip. There were no quarrels in Brazil, I didn’t use drugs.” She assures that “it was a sexual crime, because she was found naked”.

“The last message was when she said she was in a hotel and was tired, that she was going to shower and rest. She didn’t mention that she would leave. Police investigators in the US have not given information about possible motivations, because there the investigation lasts between four and five weeks,” says Roberta.

Suzan’s family asks for help to bring the body of the Brazilian. The value for the transport would be about R$ 100 thousand.

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