Video: Adult film is shown on hospital TV in Rio de Janeiro

Hospital de Porciúncula went viral because of erotic scenesReproduction

Last Sunday (30), erotic scenes were shown on the television of the Mixed Health Unit of Porciúncula, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, generating great repercussion and indignation on social networks.

The incident occurred around 3 a.m., when patients were entering the hospital and came across inappropriate content being broadcast by TV Bandeirantes, known for airing erotic programs in the early hours of Sundays.

The video quickly went viral, prompting the Municipality of Porziuncula to take a position on the case. In an official statement, the municipal administration apologized to the population and stressed that the episode was an isolated case, occurred without the knowledge of the hospital employees.

“We reiterate that it was an isolated case, unaware of the employees who promptly changed the channel, although it had already been captured by an escort and spread on social networks by malicious people with the aim of denigrating the municipal public administration,” reads an excerpt from the note.

“We apologize to the population for what happened, even if it was an isolated and accidental fact, and we emphasize that measures have been taken so that the situation does not occur again,” he adds.


hospital, which is the only place in the city that provides urgent and emergency care, also apologized for the incident. The health unit reinforced that the immediate change of channel was made as soon as the problem was identified by the employees present.

Watch the video:

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