Massacre in Ceará: mother found out about her daughter’s death by video

Otilde Andrade lost her daughter Isamara de Sousa, 25, in the massacre in Viçosa do CearáReproduction/Tv Verdes Mares/Social Networks

The mother of one of the victims of the massacre in a public square. Vitória do Ceará (CE) found out that her daughter was dead through a video.

In an interview with TV Verdes Mares on Thursday (20), Otilde Andrade, mother of Isamara de Sousa, 25, said that she found out about what happened when she woke up and looked for her daughter, who saw that she was not at home. She went to the accident square, where she handed over the young woman’s name and was told to go to the hospital.

At the hospital, she saw a video showing the dead and recognized her daughter.

“When I got here [to the square] and asked, it didn’t have her name. I had hoped she would be in the hospital. When I got to the hospital, they showed me the video. When I saw it, I saw my daughter lying on top of the others, dead. I said, ‘My daughter.’ I felt sick,” he told reporters.


people died and two were injured after the armed attack in Clóvis Beviláqua square, in the center of Viçosa do Ceará, in the early hours of Thursday (20). The victims ranged in age from 16 to 26


The victims already identified are: Ana Carolina de Sousa Rocha (24 years old), Francisco Luan Brito da Silva (26 years old), Isamara de Sousa Rodrigues (25 years old) and a 16-year-old teenager. The other three dead are André Júnior, Geovane and Júlio, whose full names and ages have not been confirmed. The information is from g1. 

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