Country duo faces empty audience at festival and laments: ‘Difficult’


country duo faces an empty audience at a festival and laments: ‘Difficult’Reproduction

On Wednesday (30), the country duo Felipe and Matheus were surprised to face the empty audience during the second day of programming of the 56th Expoara 2024, in Araguaína, Tocantis. On social media, the musicians lamented the absence of spectators and made a motivational statement.

Hired as the main attraction of the 1st Sunset Bruto, Felipe and Matheus waited up to 4 hours in anticipation of the public showing up. However, at 9:40 p.m., they decided to fulfill the schedule, hoping that the music would attract people.

“We felt it and saw that the people would not go early. Especially because in Araguaína people don’t have this culture of leaving early. We waited until about 7 p.m. No one came and we said ‘let’s start a little later’. Everyone went home and when it was 9 p.m. we came back and there was no one either,” he told g1.

On Instagram, the duo shared records of the night without an audience and it went viral. “Since we organized ourselves to make the date, we created a very high expectation because the agricultural exhibition of Araguaína is huge, one of the largest in the state. It would be the first time we would be headlining the night. So we prepared the show a lot over the course of these days,” he lamented.

So far, Felipe and Matheus’ video has more than 620 thousand views. “It didn’t frustrate our work, God knows all things. But it was a very bad feeling, very difficult,” said Matheus.

In the narrated recording, Felipe details that before facing the empty audience, his partner motivated him, stating that one day they will be very famous. “I was strong, but after that speech I had to hold back [crying], because it’s not easy. We lived our dream and we are still going strong,” he said.

Despite the uncomfortable situation, the duo reckons that the episode will not be repeated. In addition, they highlight that they understand the repercussion of the video on social networks as positive. 

“In fact, there is that trauma of happening again, but this had a very positive repercussion, so this fear for the next performances is not so much. Not least because they will be in smaller locations. It probably won’t happen again,” added Matheus.

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