Video: British Air Defence System “Stormer” Deployed by Ukrainian Forces

A video published on the @front_ukrainian Twitter profile shows the British air defence system Stormer in action with the 1129th Anti-Air Missile Regiment.

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After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United Kingdom donated Stormer HVM systems to support Ukraine’s war effort. Six systems arrived by July 24, 2022. Ukrainian personnel underwent training on the systems in the UK.

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The Stormer:

Video: British Air Defence System

The British air defence system Stormer is a highly mobile and versatile platform designed to protect ground forces against aerial threats. Developed by Thales Air Defence, the Stormer is based on armored personnel carriers and equipped with surface-to-air missiles to intercept enemy aircraft.

Renowned for its ability to operate in various terrains, including urban areas and rugged landscapes, the Stormer can be quickly deployed and repositioned as tactical needs dictate, ensuring a rapid and effective response to the ever-changing aerial threats.

The missile system used by the Stormer is highly accurate and capable of engaging targets at different altitudes and distances. This provides the British forces with reliable and efficient aerial coverage, significantly enhancing the protection of ground troops against hostile air attacks.

Photo and video: Reproduction Twitter @front_ukrainian

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