4 tips for taking your pet on international trips


4 tips for taking your pet on international tripsIt’s important to pay attention to the requirements and proof needed for each country (Image: Javier Brosch | Shutterstock)

In 2023, around 21.2 million Brazilians took international flights for tourism, an increase of 29.8% compared to the previous year, according to the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC). Many people who intend to travel abroad this year are still unsure about the processes and requirements for taking their pet with them. At first it may seem complex, but with the right preparation and following a few rules, it’s totally feasible.

Be aware of the legislation in each country

To take your pet with you to some countries, it’s important to be aware of the regulations. According to Wagner Pontes, founder of immigration consultancy D4U Immigration, these rules vary. “In the US, for example, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determines the obligations for an animal to enter the country,” he explains.

In the case of the US, animals coming from countries with a high risk of rabies, such as Brazil, must follow specific rules. “Your dog needs to be over six months old and have an ISO-compatible microchip, according to ISO standard 11784/11785. It is also essential that the pet has a valid rabies vaccination certificate issued in the USA”, adds the specialist.

The professional warns that failure to comply with these guidelines could result in your pet being returned to its country of origin, at the passenger’s own expense. According to him, it is also vital to consider the additional regulations of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the specifics of the state or territory you are moving to.

Some mandatory documents for taking the animal abroad are:

1. International Veterinary Certificate (CVI)

The International Veterinary Certificate (CVI) is an essential document, as it proves that the dog is healthy and fit to travel. This certificate must be issued by a licensed veterinarian. It will contain all the details of the pet’s health, including vaccinations and any specific treatment it is receiving.

2. ISO-compatible microchip

An ISO-compatible microchip is a requirement for pets entering the United States. This chip, implanted under the dog’s skin, stores vital information about the animal and its owner. It is important that the microchip is ISO-compatible, as this ensures that it can be read by standard scanners in the USA.

3. Pet’s health certificate

In addition to the CVI, a health certificate issued by a veterinarian is required, as this document reaffirms your pet’s good health and certifies that it is free from contagious diseases.

4. Up-to-date vaccination card

It is essential to present an up-to-date vaccination card. The document should include all the vaccinations your pet has had, especially the rabies vaccine, which is mandatory for entry into many countries.

Care before the trip

Wagner Pontes explains that some care is also needed with the pet’s logistics. “Make sure you book a direct flight, if possible, to minimize the pet’s stress. It is essential that passengers obtain appropriate transport crates that are sufficiently spacious, safe, ventilated and meet International Air Transport Association (IATA) standards,” he suggests. He also recommends getting the pet used to the crate before the trip so that it feels more comfortable during the flight.

Health restrictions

Finally, it is important for the passenger to be aware of the specific breed and health restrictions of the pet. “Some breeds of dog, for example, especially brachycephalic breeds (such as pugs and bulldogs), may face restrictions due to health concerns during the flight. Check in advance if the animal’s breed is subject to any restrictions,” concludes Wagner Pontes, founder of D4U Immigration. By Hicaro Ros

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